
Thanks to our volunteers, we continue to be able to grow, develop, and serve. To become one of the “helping hands” at the Spiritual Center, call the office to inquire about a specific area in which you would like to help. When you arrive at the Spiritual Center please sign the volunteer book located in the main lobby and record your hours. Each year we have a special appreciation dinner for all those who volunteer.

Yearly, we have over 100 volunteers serving more than 3,000 hours total.

Our volunteers give from one hour to over 600 hours per year.

The spiritual Center could not provide all that it does without their devotion and generosity.

God Bless You!

Volunteer Service Areas:

  • Housekeeping – washing windows, making beds.
  • Crafts – make craft items at home or come to craft tuesday to be one of the Piecemakers
  • Flowerbeds – weeding, planting flowers, trimming.
  • Woods – help clear paths in the woods, raking leaves.
  • Miscellaneous – holiday decorating and putting away, wrapping silverware for the kitchen, etc.

If you would like to be contacted about become a volunteer please call us at 419-925-7625 or e-mail at [email protected]

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